Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Le Tour de Shore 2021 Kick-Off

Le Tour de Shore 2021 registration is now open.  Ride dates are Friday-Saturday June 18-19.

Register with confidence. Your ride fee is 100% refundable for any reason including COVID until Mother’s Day May 9. 

Register online at

We anticipate that all sectors of the economy will be reopened by May 1, and that large gatherings including sporting events can take place with new health and social distancing guidelines, which we will of course follow.

Register today.  Seventy-six (76) “rollover” cyclists are already signed-up.

Come celebrate those things that are best!

  • Pre-ride and day-of-ride gear checks.
  • Easy to follow yellow road marks. 
  • On-line Cue sheet and Maps.
  • Support and Gear rest stops with snacks and drinks every 20 miles.
  • Pancake breakfast.
  • SAG support vehicles on-call for route emergencies. 
  • Bike techs at SAG stops.
  • Saturday end-of-ride New Buffalo Beach BBQ features Redamak’s burgers. “Bite into a Legend” that dates from the 1940’s.
  • Buses back to Chicago and Forest Park, IL.
  • Lois and Ernie Baumann, and many wonderful Maywood Fine Arts volunteers.

Looking forward to riding with you.